Bikers Waroeng Beach Front Villas

Beach Travel Destination | Hotel / Guesthouse / Bed and Breakfast

Bikers Waroeng’s Location:

Bikers Waroeng, Karang Papak Beach, Cisolok, Pelabuhan Ratu, West Java, Indonesia

Travel Story

It was a long holiday of Eid in Indonesia and I was stuck in Jakarta. And as usual, everybody was leaving to Jakarta to spend and celebrate Eid in their own town in Indonesia. Every travel channel was full and booked and one can only think of the next best beach travel destination.

Few days before the great exit holiday, I decided to travel short, by car; avoiding the waves of people traveling out. And then I remembered these places, where I forgot. The Pangandaran Beach and Pelabuhan Ratu Beach, in West Java, Indonesia. Pangandaran Beach is further down to the South East from Jakarta, a 350 kilometers drive and according to Google Maps, will take 7 hours. Yikes! While Pelabuhan Ratu is only 135 kilometers away to the South and predicted to be only 3 hours drive. Yay!

It had been over 10 years ago since I visited Pelabuhan Ratu Beach. I was skeptical that the place has been developed over time; so I used my Travel Resources tools to find out. I learned that actually, Cimaja (Tjimaja) Beach, was and still is one of the best surfing beach spot. Better than Bali! Wow!

Then, I found Bikers Waroeng Villas! And after 3 hours drove from Jakarta, I was amazed with the Bed & Breakfast. Beautiful!
Bikers Waroeng All-Bamboo Villas (4 villa units) sits in a 6.000 meter square land, and are right at the beach front of Indian Ocean in Karang Papak Beach, Cisolok, Sukabumi, Indonesia. Everything about the Villas were made out of Bamboo, well, not the roof though. The designs were very simple, on which I love it so much. No television, No refrigerator, made me in love with this place. A place that nothing but the sound of the beach, wave breaking, splashing right about 70 meters in front of your villa. I loved the sharing bath and toilet as well; the bath is open air! So Wow! While the toilet is at separated building, a closed area; although I wish, it was an open air as well.

Biker Waroeng Villas are owned by Mr. Dieter Gross family, under the responsibility of his son, Eric. A 17 year-old pro surfer! I repeat: Pro Surfer! Mr. Dieter Gross and family were very welcoming and catering, and Brenda was just awesome to play with.

Well, coming to Bikers Waroeng Villas were the best decision made for a vacation close to Jakarta. It was an amazing 4-day stay there. Loved everything about them, This is the place for quite. I love being in the nature, and Bikers Waroeng Villas provided me the best to the need.

More About Bikers Waroeng Beach Travel Destination:

Google Maps | AirBnB | Trip Advisor


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